Sunday 21 September 2014

Student made film openings

As well as my previous post that mentioned ways that professional films have been opened, I am also looking at some student made short films to compare the openings and see if they use any techniques from feature films. The first stufent made film I have looked at is ' Yellow' (video below):
I liked the idea of the opening to the film but I was not a fan of the way that it was done. I presume that the idea was that she wanted to commit suicide because of problems with her partner and we saw her life flashing before her eyes. I would have prefered if it started how it did but instead of flashing back and forth between past and present, it just stayed in the past for a while longer so we could get a better idea of what was happening.
The next short film thay I looked at was 'The Anti-social network' (video below):

I really enjoyed this short film and it started as me just watching the opening two minutes but I ended up watching the whole thing. The film starts with a man waking up from his bed and a montage starts in which we see the man getting up and going to work to start, what we assume, is just a normal day for him. The small facebook effects added over the video such as the 'likes' and friend requests are a very good way of showing the audience what is happening. From the opening sequence and the title of the film, we instanly know what is going on which is very useful for all the audience and the protagonist is a likeable, and relatable person which allows the audience connect with him and share his feelings. Overall, a very good short film and opening.

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