Monday 13 October 2014

Our Zoo - 2014

'Our Zoo' is a BBC drama of the true story of the Mottershead family and how they founded the well known Chester zoo back in the 1930s. This six-part series takes us into the life of animal lover George Mottershead (played by Lee Ingleby) and the rest of his family. His wife Lizzie (played by Liz White) has the job of supporting George as we and the rest of the village watch him create his dreams.The series is not so much what goes on at the zoo, but more the financial and social problems that the Mottershead family had to endure. One sufferer of those who do not agree with the zoo is one of George and Lizzie's daughters June (played by Honor Kneafsey). Being in a family that to begin with is not looked upon happily, when little June is sent off to school, she has a real struggle fitting in. This is unlike George's mother Lucy Mottershead (played by Anne Reid) who immediately joins the new society with loving arms. Her and her husband Albert (played by Peter Wright) act as authoritative figures to George, showing him what he should and should not do. Helping George also, is the dimwitted Billy Atkinson (played by Ralf Little). Billy is the man who finds, buys, and collects the animals for George, as well as any other things that he may need.

But what is plan without someone trying to stop it? This is the job of Reverend Aaron Webb (played by Stephen Campbell-Moore). As a father figure and representative of the village, Mr Webb does everything in his power to prevent the plans of disorganised George. Luckily for George, he has a more powerful authority on his side, Lady Katherine. Played by Sophia Myles, this experienced, land owning lady help George to get his idea heard also becomes a good friend of the Mottersheads.

As I am interested in animals and television, it was no wonder that I genuinely loved this series. I first of all liked the way that it did not hide any truths about the zoo or what happened. The story is clear, and we know what is happening, which makes it enjoyable for any audience. As well as this, I really liked the characters and how they were presented. We always knew how a character was feeling and it is easy to relate to the characters and choose who to support. I think that the way that the argument between George's supporters and those who did not want the zoo was very well thought out, and the storyline very exciting. If you have not seen this series, I very highly recommend it (especially to animal lovers) and I for one will be buying the DVD to watch it again.

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