If used appropriately, stop motion can be extremely successful. We can see this from examples such as Wallace & Gromit or Coraline, where a stop motion film has become hugely well known and appreciated. This is mainly because with stop motion, near anything is possible as the worlds and characters are created from nothing. No need to cast people (except for voices), and it is easier to get a location as that too may usually be created from scratch. But this type of film also has its disadvantages. First of all, if a character is going to be destroyed, it may be difficult to replicate the character perfectly again, although this can be avoided by doing the destroying part last. This also applies to the setting if that had also been created. Another disadvantage, specific to clay stop motion, is the problem of leaving fingerprints on the models. This can be fixed by wearing gloves or handling with care. Finally, the greatest disadvantage is how time consuming it is. It can take two or three years to create a good, full length, stop motion film, meaning you need the characters and set to look the same for this time period which may be very difficult.
Overall, I would say that if you have the time, stop motion videos can be amazing and are worth taking time on.
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