Thursday 4 December 2014

Film opening rough script

The scene is a small town. There are video clips of the town and people doing different things walking and doing daily activities.

Narrator - The scene is a small town. There are video clips of the….oh dam that's the wrong bit…hang on (flicks pages on a script) ok, finally here we are after I definitely didn't accidentally read the wrong thing. 

Hi there. I want to talk to you about love. Love is all around, everyday. But the one day people start to show it is on the 14th of February. Valentines day. A day where love flows around like a river…no hang on, no I'm done. No, why is that there? (video’s stop). Come on, seriously (mocking voice) “Love flows like a river”, stop now. The only people in here watching these silly rom com’s are either obsessive girlfriends who want to see fricking Zak Effron take his top of or lonely guys looking for a place to go where he can disguise his tears. This is stupid, right start again please I’m going to make this script more realistic to the modern world. God, this is stupid. Might as well be directed by Michael Bay would make this day even more brilliant…what, he does? You’re kidding. This is a ROMANTIC COMEDY! There aren't any explosions in this film, he’s going to be like a lost little puppy bless him. Right let’s do this stupid film opening.

Shots rewind back to the start

(coughs) Valentines day. A day of love, a day of kindness, a day that’s after Ice Cream For Breakfast day and Curling Is Cool day (videos pause) It’s true, look them up I'm not lying. (Videos play)  Our story starts in the small town of Wymondham where we see some couple doing (mocking voice) “lovey dove smoochy woochy stuff”. (whisper, sigh) god i hate my job…anyway here's a song your girlfriend might like (cheesy pop song plays)

last between 45 seconds and 1 minute

in the next few scenes, there are two things going on. The first is a man getting ready and the second is the woman getting ready, who will have the worst time getting ready to go out to meet the man. 

(The mans day)
  1. The man gets up bright and early ready for his day out.
  2. He goes to the bathroom the brush his teeth and shave
  3. He gets changed and sprays deodorant on
  4. slides down the banister to go grab some toast for breakfast
  5. Leaves the door waving bye.
  6. stops a kid from running into road
  7. gets a free coffee
  8. walking
  9. walking
  10. gets to the table outside café waiting for his date
  11. waiting
  12. date arrives, he says “well at least its not raining…”

(the woman’s day)
  1. sleeping.
  2. sleeping.
  3. sleeping.
  4. wakes up in panic and jumps out of bed.
  5. runs out the door.
  6. running down road and accidentally pushes/knocks someone into the road who gets run over.
  7. police grab her
  8. running out of police station
  9. running
  10. running and falls in puddle, gets very wet and muddy. 
  11. part of her clothes gets caught on something and rips
  12. gets to the date looks like a state. He says “Well, at least its not raining” then she gets mugged.

scenes 12 blends together. Each scene lasts maximum of 5 seconds.
Courtesy of Luke Bates' media blog (we worked on this on his blog first).

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