Wednesday 31 December 2014

Casting for opening

As I mentioned in an earlier post, the characters for our opening are as follows:

  • The man (unnamed currently) - teen
  • The woman (unnamed currently) - teen
  • The free coffee man - old man, 60-70s
  • The child who nearly runs into the road - 7-10 years old
  • The person who is hit by a car - undecided
  • The police officer - 30s
  • The bag thief - unknown, he is masked but will be tall
  • The Narrator - someone with a powerful voice

  • The first character, and one of the two main characters, is the man. He will most likely remain unnamed as there will not be a situation in the opening in which a name is needed. This character will be portrayed by Matthew Koster who, before he was chosen for the part, also answered the audience research questions.
    The other main character is the woman. She will be played by Matt's girlfriend Sammy, who also participated in the audience research. The reason behind this is that she is also a good age for the video and as they are already a couple, they will be able to act better towards each other.
    The coffee man will be played by Luke's dad Carl Bates because he is an appropriate age for the part and he looks like Carl Pilkington (star of the TV show 'an idiot abroad') which will bring some comedy into the opening if people notice the similarities.
    The child who nearly runs into the road will  be played by Luke's younger brother Jack because he is 13 but looks much younger so he will be able to act appropriately around the road and will be able to act better.
    The person that will be pushed into the road by the woman will be played by Daniel Saker. This is because he is around the same age but a little shorter so it may look like a child being pushed into the road.
    The police officer will be played by my dad's friend who is a real police officer so will know how to act in the situation.
    The thief will be played by Nathaniel Jones as he is a tall person who will look scary enough with a mask on for the part.
    Finally, the narrator will be played by either Oliver Russell or Miss Tremblay. We are going to record both of their voices reading the script and choose the better suited one for the job.

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