Monday 29 September 2014

Get off my land script

A pair of walking boots (the woman) are walking down a muddy path, determined and brisk wearing walking trousers followed by what looks like a man who seems to be out of his comfort zone. The man is wearing blue jeans and very muddy converse shoes. He stops to wipe some mud off his trousers and carries on. The camera changes to the man and the woman walking down a footpath. The woman is out in front wearing a raincoat with her hair down, whilst the man is wearing a blue jumper/jacket and blue jeans. The woman is walking very comfortably whilst the man is walking in a way which shows he is cold and is not as used to walking as the woman who is with him.
*camera blacks out to show the words “Get Off My Land”*

 The man and the woman are at a rundown wooden gate. The woman has already climbed over it whilst the man is wobbling it to show its unsafeness.

Man (whilst wobbling gate) – “Bit wobbly”

 The woman sighs at him. The man carefully climbs over the gate, sighing. Once over, he goes to walk and catch up with the woman.

The couple are now walking side by side through the field. A green jeep is now driving towards them at a slow pace. The two people start to slow, looking rather confused. A farmer starts to walk towards them, wearing a flat cap, a coat, a woollen jumper and a collared shirt, hands in pockets.

Farmer – “I’m afraid this is private land.”

The couple look at each other, confused and with a hint of annoyance. More sighs from the man.
Woman – “Sorry I…I thought this was a public footpath”

Farmer – “No.”

Woman (turning to look the other way, as if to check for the footpath) – “I’m sure it said that this was a public footpath”

Farmer – “There are two public footpaths across my land and this isn’t one of them. As I’m sure you know the law allows you across private land, but only on a public footpath”

Close up of the woman’s face, looking annoyed. She turns to go, trying to push the man to go to, but he has other ideas.

Man (country like tone to his accent) – “We’re not harming anyone though are we? Ay?” A pause. The woman is looking rather embarrassed in the background. “What makes it your land anyway?”

Farmer – “It er, it belonged to my father”

Man – “Who’d he get it off?”

Farmer – “Been in my family for generations”

Man (close up of his face) – “Who’d they get it off?”

Farmer (face shot, sounding and looking very annoyed) – “Well they probably brought it”

Man – “Who’d they buy it off?”

Farmer (annoyance and talking like the man is thick) – “The previous owner I imagine”

Man (face shot) – “And before that? And before that? And before that?”

Farmer (annoyed this conversations is still going on) – “Somebody probably fought for it…”

Camera is aimed at the man and the woman, with the man looking determined and the woman not knowing what to do. The man angrily starts to zip his jumper off, with the woman turning frantically to him as if to tell him to stop.

Man (whilst unzipping his jumper) – “Alright” (takes the jacket off) “I’ll fight you for it”

Camera side onto the three people, with the farmer not looking bothered and the man looking determined. The man throws his jacket at his partner and takes a few strides towards the farmer, who does not move.

Man (determined) – “I’ll fight you for it”

The farmer looks the man up and down, laughs once then walks back to his car. The man turns round, victorious, smiling and laughing to the woman.

Man – “The moral hypocrisy of the land owner and upper classes!”

The woman turns her head disapprovingly.

Man – “What?” pause while change in camera angle, woman still looking down “What? Urgh”

The man and the woman then hear the farmer speaking to them. They both look up and have shock on their faces. The farmer is holding a shotgun.

Farmer – “OK. Let’s fight for it!”

The farmer starts to load the shotgun. The man and woman are terrified.

Woman – “N...n…no look…we’re going, ok?”

The man is pale white and petrified. The farmer has loaded the shotgun and is aiming the gun at the couple.

Woman – “No no we’re going, we’re going”

The farmer is not listening. He fires his shotgun. The camera at this point has zoomed out to show the man slumping to the floor. The farmer looks down at him, looks at the woman and starts to walk away.

The woman’s face is then captured, looking shocked and scared, blood on her face. She starts to shake and quiver, heavily panting. The panting/breathing gets even more hysteric and she then starts to cry/scream/turn extremely hysterical. The camera points over the car to the woman and the farmer, with the woman still extremely hysterical. The farmer turns, gun over shoulder.

The shot then goes to a clump of trees. A gunshot is heard, and birds fly out the trees. We can assume that the farmer has shot the woman too.

With the sun behind him, the farmer starts to walk back towards the car. He leans on the bonnet, looking up towards the sky with a quizzical look on his face. He looks back down towards where the bodies were, and then the opposite way, confused and studying the landscape.

Farmer (to himself) – “You know what…I’ve got a feeling this is a public footpath…”

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