Monday 13 October 2014

Location research for comedy opening

From the idea that we have had, and the possible locations that could use, I have come to the conclusion that the best place to film our opening would be in a smart looking living room of a house. This is because we need to have a place where the cleaner can plug in the hoover as well as a place where a glass can be broken and people can sit down.

I think that the room that we will be using is my living room. This is because there is suitable furniture, a suitable floor, and a bookcase that will make the scene look nicer.
Here (right) is a photo of the living room. I will probably move some of the furniture about with permission so that I can set up a good area to film.

For the nightmare at the start of the film, I think that a good location would be a street near my step mum's shop as it has little lighting, tall buildings to emphasise that Johnny feels less powerful, and a graveyard next to it to make it seem more like a nightmare.

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