Monday 13 October 2014

Prop list for film opening

We will need quite a few props for the opening so here is a list, some may be added, and some
  • A glass of water
  • A clipboard
  • Some fake documents or paper
  • A name badge for Dr Smith
As well as these, we will also need some equipment for filming:
  • A camera
  • An SD card for the camera
  • A tripod for the camera
  • A program that will put a filter over the video for the flashback
For the characters costumes, only Dr Smith's will need to be specific because of their jobs and Johnny will just be playing a character with everyday style clothes, so I will ask the actor to wear clothes that they would normally wear.
Dr Smith's clothes will hopefully be as follows:
  • A tweed jacket
  • A smart shirt and tie (preferably ones that go well together) and a jumper to go over
  • Smart trousers that go well with the jacket
  • His name badge
  • Maybe someone with glasses can be cast because stereotypically, people with glasses are regarded as 'nerds' or more intelligent
  • and nice shoes
These are the only things that we will need as far as I know but this list will be updated otherwise.

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