Wednesday 10 December 2014

Audience research for opening

As part of the preparation for our film, we have to ask a random group of people a few question about our genre and our idea. The questions and responses are as follows...

1) What do you expect to see in a film opening?
2) Which film openings have you seen which have particularly stood out?
3) What are the conventions of a rom-com mock genre?
4) What may you expect to see in the opening of a film in this genre?
5) What do you think of our idea? (talk about it here)
6) Would our opening sequence convince you to watch the rest of the film?

Matthew Koster
1) It should be exciting and should give plenty of background information about the characters.
2) Star Wars, The Matrix, Terminator.
3) Lots of puns and jokes, dark humour may be funny, and many clichés about rom-coms.
4) Same as question 1.
5) The idea of 'breaking the fourth wall' is very good, it could be very funny.
6) Yes, it would be very good.

Evan Jenkins
1) I would expect to see a few shots of the setting and the characters backgrounds.
2) Star Wars, American Pie.
3) It needs to be funny as well as using lots of puns. Puns are not always funny for some people.
4) The setting to the film, a few characters introduced and funny to set the mood.
5) It sounds very funny and is good as it bends the general conventions.
6) Yes.

Sammy O'Connor Balsillie
1) Dialogue, scenery visible, a list of people in the film (opening credits).
2) In time, Star Wars.
3) Some sarcasm and awkward but funny moments between two people. Many types of humour.
4) A fake audience laugh, an introduction to main characters.
5) A pretty cool and funny idea.
6) Yes.

Andy Woodrow
1) An introduction to characters and ideas.
2) Back to the Future, Fletch.
3) Humour, a good story, and fun characters.
4) A must is character history or background and setting of the scene.
5) It is very good and has great potential.
6) Maybe, lets see how it looks when done.

Poppy Frost
1) characters enter, make sure the genre is clear.
2) Coraline, Road to El Dorado.
3) Cheesy romance between two people, who clearly will be together.
4) Characters and setting is important.
5) Very entertaining and funny idea.
6) Yes, to see how the relationship progressed.

Becca Stimpson
1) Introduction to some character and location. Also being shown the genre through clear use of conventions.
2) Back to the Future, Guardians of the Galaxy.
3) Good, relatable characters, humorous.
4) Introduction to some of the main characters - showing their lives.
5) Very interesting idea that could be good if portrayed well.
6) Yes.

Dan Saker
1) An introduction to the characters in the film, and something that sets the genre.
2) Memento, Star Wars, The Dark Night, as they are memorable and introduce the film well.
3) Taking the micky out of the classic cliché moments of classic romantic comedies.
4) The 2 main characters doing things in a funny or stupid way.
5) I like the idea, its sounds very funny and works really well.
6) Yes because I like rom coms and comedies so it will be good.

These are the responses for 7 people, but we have also asked people the questions on camera so that you can see and hear their exact reactions. We will use this information lots to help with what we should do in our opening.

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