Wednesday 10 December 2014

Interstellar - 2014

Yesterday, I went to see the new Christopher Nolan masterpiece, 'Interstellar'. Nolan is known for his amazing films, look at Memento and Inception for example, both were huge and popular when they were taken to the big screen and now his new work on 'Interstellar' is set to be one of the most successful films of the past 5 years. In the opening to this film, we see a little girl called Murph (played by Mackenzie Foy and later in her life by Jessica Chastian and Ellen Burstyn) run into her dads room who then gets out of bed and walks to the window where the scene is set. I think it is a very good opening as it is quite slow so brings the audience into the film slowly as if it needs to be cautioned.
For the rest of the film, we learn about how the Earth has changed since an unknown disaster and what the plans are for the future.

I really enjoyed this film, the cinematography and special effects were unbelievable and the story was gripping and emotional. Another thing that makes the film brilliant is the characters. The main protagonist, Cooper (played by Matthew McConaughey) is the father of Murph and Tom and a we learn lots about him through the film. However, while this tale of wormholes and black holes may seem unbelievable, I do not think it is Nolan's best work. There are a few things that I did not like about it such as a part when they bring around a theory that love can help space travel. I think this part was a small bit silly and could have been cut out. Apart from that, I think that the film was one of the best I have seen and I recommend to any sci-fi or drama fans.

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