Monday 15 December 2014

Get off my land video and evaluation

It's finally finished, Get off my land is done! When we first started this project I was very excited and eager to get out and film. So much so that I did end up doing a lot of the panning and preperation after the filming itself. I must first of all say thank you again to the brilliant cast of Andy Woodrow, Mike Woodrow and Katey Woodrow as without their brilliant performances, this would not have been much at all. The location was always going to be a struggle as we would need to look for three or four fields that look similar to those in the film but I think that me and Luke found great places and the only one that I would change is the last one because of a lack of tall grass in the background. Apart from this, I would say that all of the places were very accurate and similar to the originals. Next up, props. Luckily we managed to find every prop we needed except for the shotgun, but as you can see from the video, we made a humerous change to this. The land rover was kindly lent to us by Katey Woodrow's father Terry, who was also considered for the role of the farmer before it went to Mike Woodrow. The fake blood was made by me on the morning of the filming day. I made it this close to filming so that it looked better and stayed a good consistancy. I believe that the recipe that I used was good, but I would use a different one next time as it was a little bit lighter than I thought it would be. When it came to the costumes, I asked the cast if they could find similar clothes and I said that anything they did not have, I would source for them. This did not happen as the cast were able to all get similar clothes to te ones that we needed. As we arrived on filming day, I noticed that Mike (the farmer) did not have a flat cap like the one that we needed, I had a little bit of a panic to start as it was after all, a very important prop, but when Katey arrived in her dad's land rover, we were lucky again as he had one sitting in the back of his car that we borrowed. The next thing after filming was to find all of the best takes and edit them and stitch them together. This was mainly done by Luke as he was unfortunately not able to be there on the day of filming. He did this using adobe premiere pro and did a very good job of it. To get our version as close to the original as possible, Luke was starting and stopping the original alongside our one so that the shots were exactly the same length. To add sound effects, we googled the sounds that we needed and downloaded them in mp3 format to put into the video. Overall, the whole process was a brilliant chance to start learning how to make films and I think that for our first ever film, the outcome was brilliant! To improve, I think that we could have been better at organising our time because the filming was delayed several times because of bad choices on which day to choose. Apart from this, I am very happy with how it went.

1 comment:

  1. Well done Charlie, this is a really good re make, both in the choice of location, the props and the casting. I am most impressed though with how much notice you've taken of the shot types used and the edits. The whole blog is very impressive in that it clearing shows your research and planning as it has developed as well as documenting how you are thinking about film. It will be great to see some of this come together in your final piece.
